Welcome to The Normal Traveler
A travel blog for visual travel inspiration & trip planning
Beautiful Itineraries ● Travel Guides ● Experiences
Winter Escapes
Travel to the middle of the Pacific Ocean
Japan's golden route is perfect for first-timers!
Tropical island summer adventure
Go winter glamping in magical Yosemite

10 Day Japan Winter Itinerary

5 Day Discover Bhutan Itinerary

7 Day Epic Maui Itinerary

5 Days in Cabo, Baja California
Top 10 Things To Do in Maui
As you consider slowly and safely to make your way back to Maui now or later in 2021, take a look at my Top 10 things (in no particular order) to do and eat in Maui.
3 Day Coastal Camping, Sonoma, California
Get outdoors and enjoy sleeping under the stars on California’s beautiful Sonoma Coast. One of our favorite camping spots at Salt Point State Park, Jenner, CA
Day Trip to Santa Cruz, California
Santa Cruz, with its beaches, hippy downtown, coffee culture, wineries, and beautiful hiking trails in the mountains, has a lot to offer to make a drive down worthwhile and make it a day trip!